Open Churches Weekend

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This is not a Friends event but The Friends will be taking part in Open Churches Weekend 29th/30th June.

The five churches in the Ministry Area will be open at various times for visitors.  The details for St. Augustine’s are:

Saturday 29th June the church will be open from 10am till 4pm.  Between 10.30am and 1pm there will be opportunity to learn about “Gardeners and Gravestones”.  Chris Riley, Chair of the Friends will provide some background to the history of the churchyard and its significance to the town, including an account of some the the people buried there.  He will also describe how the memorials illustrate the history of Penarth.  The talk will be followed by a guided tour of the churchyard.

If you would like to explore the churchyard on your own there will be leaflets available including one marking the war graves.

There will also be a chance to look at the baptism, marriage and burial records of the church, going back to the early 19th century.  Members of The Friends will be on hand to help. The online database crated by Atlantic Geomatics will be available to search.

You will also be able to speak to members of the Churchyard Maintenance Team about their work in the churchyard.

Refreshments will be available.

 From 3pm to 4pm you are invited to “Come and see Bellringing”.  Members of the bellringing team will be on hand to demonstrate ringing and talk to you about it.

Sunday, 30th June, following the usual Sung Eucharist at 10.45 lasting about an hour there will be a Celebrity Organ Concert given by Tom Bell, entitled ‘The Best Experience’: Victorian organ whimsy inspired by the work of W.T.Best.  Who was he was?  Find out who he was and who some of his contemporaries were.  Hear music by Back, Mendelssohn and Meyerbeer and the music of Samuel Sebastian Wesley and Elizabeth Stirling and David Clegg’s A church service interrupted by a thunderstorm!

Admission to the concert is £10 including post-concert tea and cake.

An opportunity to see St Augustine’s and learn about its importance in the history of Penarth.

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Bydd eich ateb yn cael ei cymedroli, ac ni fydd yn ymaddangos yn syth. Medrwch paratoi eich tecst yn y rhaglen word cyn ei rhoi yn y bocs, ond ni fydd elfennau megis trwmder tecst a lliw yn ymddangos.