Christmas Tree Festival

Posted in the Events Category

The Penarth Christmas Tree Festival is not a Friends event although many members of the Friends are involved.

This is an opportunity to see St Augustine’s Church looking very different with dozens of decorated Christmas trees on show.  The trees are entered in the Festival by all sections of the Penarth Community – businesses; churches; schools; charities; families and organisations.  Three charities are supported and benefit from the money raised at the Festival.

If you haven’t seen it before, come along and start Christmas early!

The Festival will be opened by the Town Mayor at 6pm on Friday, 6th December and will continue on Saturday 7th (11am-5pm) and Sunday (12noon-5pm).

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Bydd eich ateb yn cael ei cymedroli, ac ni fydd yn ymaddangos yn syth. Medrwch paratoi eich tecst yn y rhaglen word cyn ei rhoi yn y bocs, ond ni fydd elfennau megis trwmder tecst a lliw yn ymddangos.