Sat, September 6th, 2025
Remembrance of World War 2
Posted in the Events Category
On Saturday 6th September in St Augustine’s Church the Churchyard Maintenance Group and the Friends of St Augustine’s will be joining forces in a commemorative event to remember the end of WW2.
This will include walks in the churchyard, focusing on the WW2 war graves and the Roll of Honour. There will be memorabilia from period and talks.
Details to be confirmed but book this date in your diary. It should be very interesting.
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Bydd eich ateb yn cael ei cymedroli, ac ni fydd yn ymaddangos yn syth. Medrwch paratoi eich tecst yn y rhaglen word cyn ei rhoi yn y bocs, ond ni fydd elfennau megis trwmder tecst a lliw yn ymddangos.