Autumn Serenade

Posted in the Events Category

On Saturday evening 19th October 2024, Penarth Community Choir will be giving a concert in St Augustine’s Church, Church Place South, CF64 1BA.  This concert is being held in memory of the late Steve Lavender who was a long-standing member of the Friends and was Treasurer for several years.  Steve was a member of the choir.

The concert will start at 7pm.

Entry is £10 (£8 for members of the Friends) and includes a drink.

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Bydd eich ateb yn cael ei cymedroli, ac ni fydd yn ymaddangos yn syth. Medrwch paratoi eich tecst yn y rhaglen word cyn ei rhoi yn y bocs, ond ni fydd elfennau megis trwmder tecst a lliw yn ymddangos.