Open Day at St Augustine’s Church and Churchyard

Posted in the News Category


Saturday 13th July 2019 saw the second Open Church and Churchyard Day at St Augustine’s.

A steady stream of visitors joined the bellringers for ‘Have-a-go’ bellringing sessions.  Some visitors came specially for the opportunity to try ringing the bells (not everyone was successful!).

The interesting talks by Alan Thorne (some notable burials in the churchyard) and Chris Riley (the fate of the mediaeval St Augustine’s) were well attended as was the nature walk taken by Vaughan from the South and West Wales Trust.

Dave Knight’s moth trap also proved very popular.

There were quizzes for the children and inside the church some visitors took the opportunity to search the parish registers.  There was information about the men who died as a result of the First World War and are named on the Roll of Honour.

Tea, coffee and cakes were enjoyed by many visitors.

The weather was kind making walking round the churchyard and enjoying the view a real pleasure.

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